MAY 10, 2025
at beautiful Susanville Ranch park, susanville, CA
Showcasing the BEST trails in the region!
Join Lassen Land and Trails Trust at Susanville Ranch Park on May 10, 2025 as we showcase the region's premiere trail system with the 30th Annual Paiute Meadows Trail Run! The 4.5-mile course is the cornerstone of all race distances, while the 50K, 30K, and heavy Half-Marathon (13.6 mi) deliver an experience to rival any course, anywhere. Exclusively on single-track trails, runners experience breathtaking views, fully-stocked Aid Stations, excellent race swag, and a first-class finish line party!
A big time race with a small town feel!
The Paiute Meadows Trail Run was born in 1995 as a collaborative effort of two friends and passionate Susanville Runners, Jim Reichle and Phil Nemir. Jim was a biology teacher and cross country coach at Lassen High School. Phil was a forester and conservationist who had been a successful collegiate boxer. During the summers of '93, '94 and '95, Jim supervised youth work crews through the Lassen County employment agency. They built all of the Susanville Ranch Park lower meadows trails and in 1995 Jim's high school cross country team built the trail up and over Coyote Bluff. It was at that time, Phil conceived of the idea for a run to benefit Lassen Land and Trails Trust. Originally run in the Fall as a Fall Colors run, the Paiute Meadows Trail Run included a kid's mile run, a (roughly) two-mile race, and a 4-ish mile race. In 1998, the race moved to the Spring, where it remains today.In 2015, Linda Powell from the Bizz Running Company took over as Race Director. The "2-mile" event was dropped, but she decided to keep the original race distance (correctly measured at 4.5-miles) making it the cornerstone of all the distances. By adding the 50K and Half marathon distances, the race gained instant appeal to runners across the region.Now with an active race committee and an incredible volunteer base in an extremely service-oriented community, the Paiute Meadows Trail Run has grown to regional acclaim and recognition.
elevation profiles
50K Elevation Gain: 4,392 feetThe 50K course is comprised of approximately 25 miles of singletrack trails, approximately 2.5 miles of wider, less technical trails/other, and approximately 3.5 miles of logging roads. Technicality ranges from smooth surface, to grassy underlayment, to narrow, uneven, rocky and/or loose surface. During "wet" years, the water crossings are between miles 5 and 8. There is a drop bag station at mile 14.8 (Aid Station #3@ the start/finish area).30K Elevation Gain: 2107 feetRunners will follow the 50K course until Mile 13.8, at which time they will not come back to the start/finish checkpoint with the 50K runners, but instead will turn left at the Bagwell Creek Bridge on Stonewall Trail and follow the remainder of the Half Marathon Course.50K 2-PERSON RELAYThe 50K relay is a 2-person relay mimicking the 50K course, with the relay handoff happening at Aid Station #3, located back at the Start/Finish Line. Runner #1 completes all of the lower trails and runs through the Start/Finish line back at the main parking area, for a checkpoint/split time. After crossing the timing point, Runner #1 will hand their bib belt (relay baton) to Runner #2. Runner #2 then head out toward the upper trails (part 2 of the 50K course).Half Marathon Elevation Gain: 1510 feetThe half marathon course has a mixture of technicality ratings. Approximately 15% miles of the course is wide (>4'-wide) smooth trail. The rest is comprised of single-track, with grassy, smooth underlayment (10%) and rocky, and/or loose surface (75%). Much of the trail includes banked turns, and undulating climbs/descents. The final climb (Heart Attack Hill is 1.4 miles up to the checkpoint before descending the last 2.3 miles to the finish.4.5-Mile Elevation Gain: 364 feet
The 4.5-mile course circles around and through the lower meadows. While most of the climbing is gentle and slowly gradual, Coyote Bluff is the most distinct climb, coming at approximately Mile 2.6. There is one water drop on the course at mile 3. The 4.5-mile course is low in technicality, with some looser material present while descending from Coyote Bluff.Maps
50k mAP
50K Map
30K Map
Registration and packet pickup
Until january 31, 2025
February 1, 2025 - April 14, 2025
50K: $6550K Relay: $8530K: $60Half Marathon: $504.5-Mile: $35*Youth 14 & Under (All races): $2050K: $7050K Relay: $9030K: $65Half Marathon: $554.5-Mile: $40*Youth 14 & Under (All races): $25**April 15, 2025 - May 8, 2025
50K: $8050K Relay: $10030K: $75Half Marathon: $654.5-Mile: $50*Youth 14 & Under (All races): $30- PACKET PICKUP IS FRIDAY, MAY 9 FROM 10AM UNTIL 6PM
- *Youth prices are for runners 14 years of age and under ONLY. Does not include 50K Relay.
- **There will be late registration on Friday, May 9 at Packet Pickup at the Susanville Historic Train Depot, 601 Richmond Road, Susanville, CA.
- There is no RACE DAY registration
- Parents/Guardians may register their child ( age 12 and under) for the 1-Mile FREE kids Run at packet Pickup on Friday, May 10 or on Race Day at Susanville Ranch Park.
REFUNDS AND BIB TRANSFERS This event complies with Trail Sisters standards for pregnancy and post-partum race entry deferrals. Please contact the event director.- No refunds after 5/1/2025. All refunds will be pro-rated. Bib transfers may be done online until Wednesday, May 7 @11:59 PM
start/cutoff times
5oK / 50K RELAY
6:30 AM StartNO EARLY STARTSNO starts after 6:45 AM50K CUT OFF TIMES
The 50K and 50K Relay have a 9-hour cutoff time.10:30 AM (4 Hours) at Aid Station #4 at the bottom of the Heart Attack Hill climb30K
30K - 6:30 AM Start The 30K will run along with the 50K runners until mile 13.8 at the Stonewall Bridge where the 30K runners turn sharp left and follow the rest of the half marathon course.Runners on the course after 12:30 PM (6 hours) may continue at their own risk.HALF MARATHON
Half Marathon - 7:30 AM start (no cutoff)KIDS' RUN / 4.5-MILE
1-mile Kids' Run - 8:00 AM start4.5-mile - 8:30 AM startSWEAT CHECK
Sweat check is available for all runners at the Start/Finish Line area next to the 50K Aid Station. 50K runners may also use this area for drop times at the ranch!
flowers at the ranch
- We have a total of 7 Aid stations, 3 of which are used twice.
- Expect Hammer Nutrition Heed Electrolyte and gels, potato chips, Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Ginger Ale, M&M's, oranges, bananas, and watermelon and similar items.
Baja Way AS #1 Photo by J. SteeleBeaverpond AS #2 Photo by B. BlackwellLCC Nurses AS #3 Photo by J. CousoPhoto by Susanville Rotary ClubNOTE: Water Drop #2 is now the Heart Attack Landing Aid Station. This is the Turn around checkpoint for the 30K and the Half Marathon. Aid Station #3 at the Start/Finish Area is also the Relay Exchange Zone for the 50K Relay.OUR Sponsors
In May, temperatures can vary and are usually on the chilly side during the morning, ranging from 30 to 45 degrees at the start. The temps usually warm up to 69 to 83 degrees by mid-afternoon. The breeze kicks up around noon. The upper trails for the 50K are well-shaded, but since they are on the warmer side of the mountain, temps can get warmer up there. We provide a bin at the bridge at Mile 1.75 in case runners want to shed a layer after warming up. Runners can pick up their items at the Sweat Check area at the finish line.lodging
Diamond Mountain Casino and Hotel is only 1/2 mile from the start line and they usually offer a special room rate for runners. Additionally, Comfort Inn and Suites which is 4 miles from the start offers special room rates and late checkout/showers for runners. Please call the respective hotel desks for reservations. For more information on lodging in Susanville, please click here.awards
overall awards
- Overall awards for the 50K, 30K, Half Marathon, and 4.5-Mile race are for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Men / Women/ Nonbinary.
- The 50K Relay has awards for 1st and 2nd place in the Open Divison (all male or combined team) and in the Women's Division. Both team members receive an identical award.
- The Kid's Race participants receive participant awards and goody bags.
age group awards
- All Race distances offer 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards to Men/Women/Nonbinary in 10-year age groups.
Equal Podiums & AwardsWomen’s Specific Apparel & SwagMenstrual Products at Aid StationsWomen On the Starting LinePregnancy & Postpartum Policy
Our Purpose
Promoting stewardship and conservation of our natural lands!
The Paiute Meadows Trail Run is an event which directly supports Lassen Land and Trails Trust. "Lassen Land and Trails Trust has been working for over a quarter century to conserve all that makes our region ‘home’ for our friends and neighbors, as well as wildlife. Lying at the convergence of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade, Modoc Plateau and Great Basin, our northeastern California home offers a broad diversity of landscapes from alpine mountains and meadows to the sage-steppe of the high desert. We are dedicated to conserving these resources along with the character and heritage of our region as a legacy for our children and their children. If you call this region home, the Trust offers you opportunities to become actively involved in the conservation and stewardship of wildlife habitat, lakes, rivers and streams, working lands and recreational lands that make Lassen county 'home'. Whether you'd like to learn more or get your hands dirty....there's a way to get involved." Become a member today!
0ur trails
Showcasing the BEST trails in the region!
The Paiute Meadows Trail run is held on over 28 miles of trails in Susanville Ranch Park combines with approximately 10 miles of trail and logging roads belonging to Sierra Pacific Industries and BLM. Lassen County is home to many miles of incredible trails including the Bizz Johnson, Bald Mountain, Southside Trail, and the Wendel Line.
our connections
A NorCal running store with a small town connection!
We are PROUD to be a target race for Fleet Feet Chico's Spring Trail Training program. Co-owner, Paul Smith, is a Susanville native and past men's 50K champion. We appreciate owners Paul Smith, Kristina Smith, and Carol Esparza for their on-going support for our race!Check out Fleet Feet's training programs with the link below!
our challenge
Run miles, earn points, win medals!
The Paiute Meadows Trail Run is EXCITED to continue our partnership with Series Runner!
Series Runner connects runners with great events. Runners get rewarded for accumulating miles. Runners simply register for their event, book their accommodations and start their challenge.
From within a partner race on the Series, runners can run locally or in another state to accumulate miles towards the new series challenge. Runners choose any event in any region to run physically or virtually, and all those miles add up towards the year end awards.
Series Runner connects runners with great events. Runners get rewarded for accumulating miles. Runners simply register for their event, book their accommodations and start their challenge.
From within a partner race on the Series, runners can run locally or in another state to accumulate miles towards the new series challenge. Runners choose any event in any region to run physically or virtually, and all those miles add up towards the year end awards.

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our dedicated race committee
Our incredible race committee is dedicated to making the Paiute Meadows Trail Run the best race in the region. We know runners are looking for an experience, not "just another race." From coordinating trailwork, to course marking, to volunteers, to packet stuffing, to website updates, to porta-potties, to volunteers, to awards, to finish line party, and to everything else in between, we go over every little detail to make sure we create an unforgettable experience! Countless hours go into the planning process year-round!
great beer
Our finish line party would not be complete without a FREE cold, locally-brewed beer!
great coffee
Enjoy a cup from our new race sponsor, Long Run Coffee company. All runners get a free cup! Infused with electrolytes, Long Run Cofee will FUEL YOUR PASSION!
great volunteers
From start to finish, from course marshalls to aid station hosts, our community members are passionate about our race.
We love your dog if it is friendly and leashed (per Lassen County ordinance) AND if you notify the race director in advance! You MUST clean up after your dog! Email the RD at bizzrunning